Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Hi Max!  Hope you had a great time back in Chicago for Halloween!  What did everyone do for Halloween?  What was the best costume you saw?  Who got the most candy?

We can't wait to hear more about your experiences.  Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


  1. Yeah Max, how was it? I had lot's of fun. Everything's going fine.
    It isn't as fun without you in school! :/
    `Can't wait to see you! Bye, for now!

  2. Hi Max! The movie seems really fun. Hope you had a good time in Chicago. It must be really hard not seeing your family. I get homesick if i'm even away for just a week! Hope you have great time!

  3. Halloween was so awesome! It was the best to see friends, and my sister and dad. It was also really hard to leave to come back here. Sunday night I was sad. But it was worth it. I thought Dario's costume was the coolest I have seen!!!!!

  4. Hey Max!!!! I really miss you at football. You are a great receiver, quarterback, and running back. You are one of my best friends and I really miss having you at school. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. Hello Max!
    We really miss you at school and I set up a chain of emails. You have not commented yet on it, but there are already 100+ emails. :o We miss you at recess, and are very excited to see you soon! Have a great Thanksgiving!!!

  6. Hi Max! The book fair just ended. Today is turning out to be an awesome day.
