Friday, November 6, 2015

Aw Yeah!

Hi Max!

Today we went on our first field trip to Aw Yeah Comics.  We learned how to draw comic figures and make them look like they are in action.  We also had time to develop some of our own characters.  Zoe M. made a character called Ness that looks like a modern Loch Ness Monster. Miles made two characters called Beaver Man and Lightening Bot.  Augusta's was Springy Devil and he had springy arms!  Lily S. created a girl named Daisy who shoots bursts of electricity from her fingers!  Josie created Fred the evil dentist and his sidekick Steve the anemone. Also, Jeffrey created four charcters, Super Manatee, Super Lion, Super Falcon, and Super Spider Monkey.  They are going to join forces to take down the evil robot army!  Elora created a character named Sylvia and she is a bright orange cat/human hybrid.  We had fun and got inspired by different comics in the store.  Kurt, the owner, was an amazing artist and drew several characters while we were there.  Maybe we'll get some of our own comics published one day?!

Hope you are having a great week!  Talk to you soon!


  1. this looks amazing! I wish I had been there. I love the idea of having our own comic books published. Are there any pictures of the characters? I would love to see them! I can't wait to see everyone and to get back into normal life. This has been a great experience, but it is a lot of hard work too.

  2. I made a martian who was doing a science project on Earth. What sort of characters would you put in comics?
