Monday, November 16, 2015

My family came to TORONTO!!

November 15, 2015

On Tuesday I woke up and felt super excited! My sister and dad were finally coming to visit! I have been having a great time here, but I could not wait to see my sister and to introduce her to my movie family.

I was about to film  a really hard scene when they arrived. In the scene, I had just puked and was supposed to be crying in Gretchen's (my movie mom) lap. I was excited that my sister and dad got to see me do something kind of hard. It was a long day of filming. everyone was so excited to meet Sam. Gerry and Gretchen made it a point to make Sam feel extra special.  I was so thankful for them making my sister feel welcome. My movie sister and Sam got along really well too. They are a lot alike except Sam is a bit tougher than Julia!!! I think they will continue to be great friends.

On Wednesday, my dad came with me to set while my mom and sister had a girl's day. It was fun to have my dad on set. Gerry and my dad talked a lot!!! I think they got along really well!!

Thursday we moved to the hospital. We will shoot the rest of my scenes in Toronto at the hospital. It is a totally different environment than the house. It is much colder and I have to be very sick there. They brought a medical advisor to work with me on set at the hospital. He is a pediatric surgeon and his job is to make sure that we are being medically accurate. It is really helpful to have him here.

We filmed on Friday at the hospital again and my sister and dad were both there all day. It was really fun because it was also Gerry's birthday so there was cake at lunch. The weird thing about "lunch" is that sometimes it actually happens at dinner time! But they always call it lunch anyway.

We had days off on Saturday and Sunday and we got to be tourists all weekend as a family. We went to the CN Tower, The Hockey Hall of Fame, the aquarium, shopping in Kensington Market, and eating dinner in the Distillery District. The best part of having my sister and dad here was that it finally felt like home. The apartment we stay in felt like home because they were here. I wish they could stay the whole time. Sam made great friends with Julia and Gretchen and Helga. I think she will be in touch with them always.

It was hard to say goodbye when they left on Sunday night. I have 6 more days of shooting. I am excited to come home but am also sad that the experience will be over soon. I am glad that I will have more scenes to film with Gerry in Chicago.


  1. Great pictures, Max! My two favorite are your last two. Sounds like a fantastic weekend.

  2. When you come to Chicago will you come to school with us? We're really excited to have you back! We hope to see you soon! It must have been great to haave your family there.

  3. Hi max! I like all the pics, and the last one is cool. Are you actually floating in that picture, or is it just taken from above? It looks neat. Lily and I were wondering about that. :3

  4. That's so great that your family came! I can't imagine being away from my family for more than two days. Hope you had fun!

  5. That is so cool that your whole family came to hang out with you. It must be awesome there and I am so jelous!

  6. Hi Max! Toronto seems really fun! I'm glad that you got to see your dad and sister again. I bet that it's really hard to live without most of your family. I bet your movie's going to be really cool! Have a nice time!

  7. It's so incredible that your family came! It must have been so exciting to see them, even though it was probably so hard to see them leave. Hope you keep on having fun!
